
Live Your Best 365 with Alisa Bloom, MPH, RDN, LDN, NBC-HWC, DipACLM

Let me show you how to nourish yourself as soon as your next meal, slay constant hunger,
minimize or eliminate medications, and streamline supplements.

Are you ready for your fitness journey? DNA-Fit365 is here!

Jan 25, 2024 | Food as Medicine, Genetics and Nutrition

Are you ready to get to your optimal health for the last time?

Are you tired of the endless cycle of diets that promise results but leave you frustrated and fatigued?

Are you ready for a revolutionary approach that caters specifically to your unique needs, guided by an expert every step of the way?

Are you ready for that satisfaction and proud feeling of doing something good for yourself?

Step into the transformative world of DNA-Fit365, where health isn’t just a destination, but a personalized journey crafted uniquely for you through your genetic code. This isn’t another program; it’s your final voyage to optimal well-being, where you’ll discover answers tailored exclusively to your individual needs. Experience a revolutionary approach that breaks away from the generic, offering solutions as unique as your DNA. You’ll have professional accountability guiding you every step of the way. this is more than a health program – it’s your roadmap to lasting vitality and well-deserved transformation!

DNA-Fit365is designed to transform your health because it’s uniquely tailored to you – through your genetic code. You’ll finally get tailored diet and lifestyle answers crafted uniquely to you. A revolutionary approach that caters specifically to your unique needs, with professional accountability every step of the way.

Each program includes:
✔️ Genetic test kit (cheek swab)
✔️ 1 interpretation session
✔️ Follow-up session options
✔️ Membership to the Live Your Best 365 Wellness Hub 365 community
✔️ Self-paced course ‘Fight Inflammation: The Power of Food’
✔️ ‘Frozen to Fabulous’ meal planning and recipe guide

Step into a program that recognizes and celebrates your uniqueness. DNA-Fit365 delivers a truly personalized experience, acknowledging your specific health needs and goals. Break free from generic courses and witness the transformative power of aligning your nutrition with your DNA for lasting well-being.

Begin Your DNA-Fit365 Journey Now
