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Maximize Your Lab Tests On Your Next Physical Exam

Aug 29, 2024 | Digestive Health, Healthy Habits

When was the last time you had a physical exam? If you have one upcoming, here are some of my best Hacks to get the most out of your lab results. A little preparation can go a long way! By following these simple tips, you can get a much clearer picture of your health.

  • Avoid All Caffeine 

Even if the office tells you that black coffee or tea is ok, don’t have coffee or tea. When we break it down to a cellular level, caffeine acts to pull out free fatty acids from the bloodstream which will raise your triglyceride levels right when the lab is being taken. Elevated triglyceride levels can affect the accuracy of blood tests that measure lipid profiles, such as cholesterol.

  • Hydrate (But Not Too Much!) 

Drink 2 to 4 cups of water before the lab is drawn. Hydration will positively affect certain lab values.

  • Get Your Steps In 

Grab a 20 to 30 minute, low intensity walk before the lab draw. This will lower inflammation, fatty acids, and stabilize glucose in your bloodstream.

Receive more personalized advice on how you can maximize your next lab exam by booking a complimentary consultation here.​​​​

In case you haven’t heard … We are excited to announce the launch of the Health Warriors Community!

Here’s the good news: There are no applications to join, and membership is just $19/month. This is your chance to be a Founding Member and gain exclusive access to expert advice, connect with like-minded individuals, and unlock your full health potential. Our first live session is on September 12th, so don’t wait!

Ready to join the movement? Learn more and sign up today at https://www.healthwarriors.me/join.
