by HealthaDm1n | Aug 17, 2023 | Healthy Habits
You’re putting in the effort, dedication, and hard work toward achieving your health and wellness goals. Your body and energy levels are changing. You’ve got your healthy behaviors and habits down pat. Now what? What will you do with the time you now...
by HealthaDm1n | Aug 10, 2023 | Healthy Habits
We know nutrients play a vital role in our well-being. But, their collaboration and dependency upon each other, in the right amounts, dazzle their impact. When we strike that right balance, magic happens, and our bodies thrive! Let’s take vitamin B-12, for...
by HealthaDm1n | Jul 27, 2023 | Healthy Habits
Are ‘Cheat Days’ really a thing? A popular topic that could use clarification: cheat days. Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t about restricting yourself but rather finding balance and enjoying foods in moderation with healthy boundaries. A proven fact:...
by HealthaDm1n | Jul 13, 2023 | Supplements
Choosing a new supplement got you feeling overwhelmed? Selecting a supplement shouldn’t be as simple as listening to a random testimonial or buying a product based upon claims of symptoms it will alleviate or conditions it will reverse. Choosing a supplement is...
by HealthaDm1n | Jul 6, 2023 | Healthy Habits, Self-Care
Sleep hygiene is, indeed, a thing Recent research suggests that a consistent lack of sleep can lead to metabolic syndrome, slow immune response, increased sensitivity to pain, and weight gain, to name a few. Lack of good quality sleep (less than 6 hours) causes...