How’s Your (Circadian) Rhythm?

This week we’re going to talk rhythm: circadian rhythm, to be exact. Whatever your opinion may be on the stars’ alignment or how the universe interplays, there is a rhythm to our days that affects the lifestyle choices we make and how we sleep. In case you missed this...

Food vs. Supplements: Which for the Win?

Are you a food first person? Are you a supplement kind of person? Are you influenced by food or supplements because somebody suggested it to solve all your health issues? Do you take food and supplement information at face value without question? Well, this...

Inflammation-Busting Hacks

Welcome to the final week of a three-part series looking at nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals are ‘foods that contain health-giving additives and medicinal benefits’. In other words, regular food you can add to meals and snacks that help boost metabolism, suppress...