
Feeling Happy or Sad?

What do sugar and carb cravings, early evening fatigue, and just being a bit more crabby than usual this time of year have in common? It could be Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a mild depression associated with late autumn and winter and is thought to be...

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About caffeine, are you getting too much, not enough, or just right? Guess what? You're supposed to feel a bit jittery after the equivalent of 2 cups of caffeinated coffee or tea. It's a healthy signal from our adrenal (fight or flight) glands. Here are some...

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Wait! What?? Coming OUT of quarantine?

When the pandemic started, people couldn’t see further than their hands in front of their faces. Schedules went awry, you were narrowly focused on whether or not you would get Covid-19, and how you could boost your immune function. ​This is one of the first times to...

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Goal Setting

It’s that time of year when we look to the future. A fresh start, a clean slate, no matter the past, no matter the present. Have you decided to set goals for this year? Think of a goal as an endpoint, and intentions are the daily movements needed to reach your goal.

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Straight Talk on Liquid Nutrition

Drinking mindlessly, with or without alcohol, can pack on calories, additives, lethargy, and eventually, pounds. I’m not popping in here to tell you to swap out all your celebratory favorites for plain ‘ol water. In fact, here are a few ways you can indulge.

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What’s Gone RIGHT?

This year has thrown us all sorts of twists, turns, and loops. We’ve been challenged to adapt, create, resign, and resolve as we haven’t before. SOME things must have gone right, yes? What pattern or habit have you had to change that went in your favor?

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What IF?

WHAT IF you lost the desire to snack? Yes, it’s possible. Think about how you feel just after eating a comfortably-sized meal. You’re not thinking about eating and are truly focused on the next task or activity at hand. Blissful, huh?

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