
Eat Better NOW: Episode One, Salt

I invite you to take steps NOW, through the holidays, to eat better – not wait until the new year (or until the heavens part) to live your best health vision! Let’s get into it by starting with three ways to slash salt.

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Adaptogens: how they help

Adaptogens are herbal pharmaceuticals. They work to counteract the effects of stress in the body. Stress takes a toll on the body, especially over extended periods. It can harm neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Adaptogens “adapt” their function to mitigate the body’s stress response.

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The Art of Moderation

There are generally two ways to perceive moderation: if I include something notoriously ‘off-limits’ in my diet or health plan, in smaller amounts, how will I be able to stop myself once I start? Or the flip side, I can have part of anything as long as I don’t eat the WHOLE thing.

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Plan with Purpose

Do the words “meal planning and preparation” fill you with an overwhelming feeling? Here’s the thing: if your idea of meal planning begins about an hour before you’re going to eat, it’s too late. By then you’ve resorted to foods that you didn’t start out wanting to choose and you’ve nabbed something quick, prepared, or processed.

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Secrets Your Skin Is Telling You

We all want great skin. If we have it, we want to keep it and, if we don’t, we’ll look to see how we can improve it. Often, exactly what we try to cover up is a message from the skin telling us that something is wrong. It’s these messages that need our attention.

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