
Omega 3 Fatty Acids & Health

What exactly is an omega-3, you may ask? It’s a type of unsaturated fatty acid the body can’t make, which is why we need to understand how to get them into a daily diet. They come from both plant and animal sources, and there are eleven types. If you take a look at a fish oil supplement label, you’ll likely see two of the eleven, DHA and EPA.

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Break Down this Barrier for Good Health!

Whether you want to reduce your blood pressure, improve blood sugars, lose weight, sleep better, improve your mood, or be free from food cravings and digestive issues, make sure you get your information from credible sources. Any regimen suggested to you should be doable, safe, and can be maintained so you reap benefits well into the future.

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Food vs. Supplements: Which for the Win?

Are you a food first person? Are you a supplement kind of person? Are you influenced by food or supplements because somebody suggested it to solve all your health issues? Do you take food and supplement information at face value without question?

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Bye-Bye Boredom Snacking

Are the actions you’re taking today in line with your wellness goals for the future? If you aren’t making much progress, you’re missing something. In case you didn’t see this week’s live version, watch it above. Did you say, out loud, to the universe that you were...

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Preservatives in Food: How Much Do You Know?

Let's talk about preservatives in foods. Where they hide in our food supply, why they’re added in the first place, and how our bodies are affected by them. What is a preservative? It’s a substance added to foods to make them last longer, i.e., preserving them....

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Friend or Foe: Hormones and Health

While hormones play vital roles in our bodies, they can sometimes sabotage our best health intentions. Everyone wants to be healthier. If we are in good health we want to stay that way, and if we need to become healthier we’re certainly looking for tools to help us.

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