
Diabetes and blood sugar control

How much do you know about Diabetes and blood sugar control? Diabetes is a type of vascular disease - a disease affecting vessels. Where are vessels? Everywhere. For example, the heart, legs, feet, brain, kidneys, and eyes. Keeping Diabetes under control can lessen...

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Processed Foods & Your Brain

Did you know that processed foods can also take a toll on your mental health? ⁣ Processed food contains additives, dyes, and chemicals that negatively impact physical and mental well-being. They put an increased burden on the body to remove them because they are...

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Eat the rainbow

What does it mean to eat the rainbow? Color. It means more color. "Eating a rainbow" helps your body get a complete range of disease-fighting, fiber-containing nutrients, aka phytonutrients. Phytonutrients provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits....

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Detox Done Right

Did you know that your body is detoxifying right now? This very minute. The body is a well-designed machine that can detox without all the gimmicks and diet potions! Some of us detoxify better than others, however. That information lies in your DNA. That's what I...

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Are you Over-Caffeinated?

Are you Over-Caffeinated? Are you someone who can't get going in the morning or can't function in the late afternoon until you've had a large cup of joe? Or you struggle to wind down at the end of a long day? Are you one of those individuals who boast that caffeine...

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