
Your “someday maybe” list

We all have one. That list of things you know you need to do but have been putting off way too long. I call it the “Someday Maybe” list, and I can probably guess what’s at the top of yours. If you’re like 99% of other subscribers on this email list, it’s this: Putting...

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How Do I Know When I’ve Eaten Enough?

It takes 20 minutes until your stomach tells your brain you’ve eaten enough. Myth or Fact? The answer? Sort of. A 20-minute countdown to relieve hunger pangs or achieve fullness from the time food first passes your lips isn’t the same for everyone and varies with how...

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Do You Need Help to Detox?

Marketing claims for products to detox are in full swing this time of year. There are juices, soups, spices, and all sorts of concoctions trying to convince the consumer that extreme (lack of research) measures will rid the body of unwanted toxins. Untrue. The body is...

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In 2023, we are going to slay constant hunger!

Happy, Healthy New Year! This year, we are going to slay constant hunger! Hunger is an anticipated, natural process. But when we get hungry too often, say every two to three hours or more frequently in the afternoon onto evenings, or when we get too hungry and then...

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Reflect, Reset, & Recharge to end 2022

This year has been filled with experiences and emotions, some filling me with warmth and others challenging me. As I reflect, recharge, and reset from 2022, I am grateful for YOU, my community, an acceptance of some of the hardships this year, and the commitment to...

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Use This One Concept for Better Health in 2023

As 2022 comes to a close and you reflect on accomplishments and challenges and set the tone for the New Year, how will 2023 be better for your health? Can you visualize what healthy looks and feels like in your life? Not just for a meal or a workout but how to...

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Do the holidays throw you off track?

Do the holidays throw you off track?  You aren't alone! Many of us get overwhelmed and feel out of control over the holidays because most of our daily structure is interrupted by something—whether it’s family, social events, travel, extravagant meals, or all of...

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Stay with YOURSELF this Holiday Season!

The holiday season is officially upon us! Many people approach the holiday season with a negative lens because of so many temptations and gatherings surrounding food. It's unnecessary to put your health on hold until January because temptation comes knocking more...

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