Wait! What?? Coming OUT of quarantine?

When the pandemic started, people couldn’t see further than their hands in front of their faces. Schedules went awry, you were narrowly focused on whether or not you would get Covid-19, and how you could boost your immune function. ​This is one of the first times to...

Goal Setting

​It’s that time of year when we look to the future. A fresh start, a clean slate, no matter the past, no matter the present. Have you decided to set goals for this year? Think of a goal as an endpoint, and intentions are the daily movements needed to reach your...

What’s Gone RIGHT?

This year has thrown us all sorts of twists, turns, and loops. We’ve been challenged to adapt, create, resign, and resolve as we haven’t before. Or have we? Chances are, how you responded to situations in the past isn’t that different from how...

What IF?

Welcome to the third in this Eat Better NOW series inviting you to eat better NOW instead of waiting until the new year to get into gear! This week we’re going right to it. WHAT IF you lost the desire to snack? Yes, it’s possible. Think about how you feel just after...

The Art of Moderation

What an interesting week, yes? In the spirit of breaking precedents, I have a quick bite for you. How well do you walk the moderation line? There are generally two ways to perceive moderation: if I include something notoriously ‘off-limits’ in my diet...