Detox Done Right

Did you know that your body is detoxifying right now? This very minute. The body is a well-designed machine that can detox without all the gimmicks and diet potions! Some of us detoxify better than others, however. That information lies in your DNA. That’s what...

Spring cleaning for your health

Have you been spring cleaning? What about a spring reboot for your health? It seems like just yesterday, New Year’s goals were set to shake off holiday overindulgences. If that didn’t go according to plan, don’t fret! Where to start? Good health begins with healthy...

Excitotoxins: too much for taste buds to handle

This week we’re talking about a class of chemicals called excitotoxins. Excitotoxins, usually amino acids, are added to foods to make them taste better. Well, more like taste buds on steroids! In case you missed this week’s Facebook Live, you can catch the replay...

Preservatives in Food: How Much Do You Know?

Let’s talk about preservatives in foods. Where they hide in our food supply, why they’re added in the first place, and how our bodies are affected by them. What is a preservative? It’s a substance added to foods to make them last longer, i.e., preserving...