
Live Your Best 365 with Alisa Bloom, MPH, RDN, LDN, NBC-HWC, DipACLM

Let me show you how to nourish yourself as soon as your next meal, slay constant hunger,
minimize or eliminate medications, and streamline supplements.

Get More Out of Your Meds! (Naturally)

Jul 11, 2024 | Genetics and Nutrition

Feeling stuck between managing your health and the pressure to go “medication-free”?

Many of us are! The reality is, some medications are crucial for specific health conditions. But what if you could improve your overall health and potentially get more out of your existing medications?

Here’s a new approach:

Instead of focusing solely on eliminating meds, let’s explore ways to optimize your health journey.

Imagine medications working more effectively or potentially needing lower dosages. Sounds pretty good, right?

Here’s how we can achieve this:

  • Unlock Your Personalized Blueprint: Your unique DNA can offer insights into better nutrition and lifestyle choices that can enhance how your medications work.
  • Food as Fuel: Discover how the right nutrients can support your body and boost medication effectiveness.
  • Simple Tweaks, Big Impact: Let’s explore ways to optimize your health from the inside out through small, sustainable lifestyle changes.

Think of it like tuning up your car – for peak performance, you need more than just fuel. Consider these alongside your regimen: ditch processed foods and choose whole, unprocessed options. Staying hydrated with water is key, as dehydration can impact how your body absorbs medication. Prioritizing quality sleep allows your body to function efficiently, potentially leading to better medication absorption. Finally, maintaining consistent blood sugar levels through loosely scheduled meals may improve medication efficacy.

Ditch the frustration and empower yourself with knowledge!

Ready to explore how you can thrive, whether that means staying on your current dosages, potentially decreasing them, or even eliminating some medications altogether?

Let’s work together and discover how your unique genetic makeup can guide your dietary choices for optimal well-being! ​​​​Book a complimentary consultation with me.​​​​

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