Are you looking for a good diet plan or program? What is THE program that will move the (scale) needle for good? Follow this checklist to see if the program you’re considering will help you lose weight for good while improving your overall health.
The first secret to a successful program is YOU!
Here are some facts to face:
- As of year-end 2020, the US weight loss market is worth a record $71 billion.
- Their “win” is financial, which does not align with the long-term success of dieters.
- About 95% of people who lose weight by dieting will regain it in one to five years.
Does the program you’re considering:

- provide personalized and tailored strategies for you? Or is it more of a one-size-fits-all?
- give you access to dietitians, counselors, coaches, or guides? Is the foundation for the program both science and practice-based? The right people should be your resource for credible information and to guide you.
- allow you to ‘see’ or envision your journey? What planned celebrations do you have in place? How are you to navigate roadblocks and frustrations?
- include meal plans or food delivery? A good program will give you real-life examples and real-time adjustments as life gets in the way.
- shy away from “off-limit” foods? Yes, there’s room for all foods. Any elimination component should be temporary.
- include some component of tracking? How will you know what’s working without any tracking?
- improve your overall health? There are more aspects for good health than just weight loss and a good program should include both.
Winning is like a road trip. You don’t just get from point A to B. There are milestones to identify, reach and celebrate along the way. Remember, YOU are the key ingredient to any program you choose. Choose wisely and be on your way to success!
Do you have some specific questions? Schedule your complimentary health strategy session here.
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