In 2023, we are going to slay constant hunger!

Jan 5, 2023 | Hunger

Happy, Healthy New Year!

This year, we are going to slay constant hunger!

Hunger is an anticipated, natural process. But when we get hungry too often, say every two to three hours or more frequently in the afternoon onto evenings, or when we get too hungry and then overeat, it can interfere with even the best efforts to make healthier diet changes. Do you feel hungry what seems like all the time?

There are many reasons why, but some you might not expect:

💥 Not enough protein, healthy fat, or calories at your most recent meal.

💥 Lack of sleep.

💥 Over-exercising (the kind where your muscles are too sore and interfere with movement during the day or make it harder to fall asleep at night)

💥 Your DNA. Your DNA gives clues and insight into which bodily pathways influence hunger.

How can we help minimize hunger throughout the day?

Include good quality protein sources at meals and snacks.

Proteins such as eggs, wild, caught fish, and grass-fed beef, help keep you fuller for extended periods.

Three to four servings of prebiotics daily.

Prebiotics are resistant starches found in various foods that help to maintain good gut health. Some include apples, pears, artichokes, and cruciferous vegetables.

Choose healthy fats at meals.

Healthy fats include avocado, olives, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. These help control your appetite and balance blood sugar longer throughout the day.

Ditch artificial sweeteners.

They can wreak havoc on gut bacteria balance and impact hunger.

Know your DNA.

You can get to the root cause of hunger by knowing which bodily pathways need support.

Are you looking to go full force in 2023 with support and a plan for success? I’ll show you how to nourish yourself as soon as your next meal, slay constant hunger, minimize or eliminate medications, and streamline supplementation. Reply to email me or head to my website for a complimentary session.

Download this Celery Root and Chicken Salad for a midday meal or snack😋

Join us in the free Facebook Group, Food Sanctuary, where you’ll learn to use food to optimize health. Live weekly trainings, Thursdays, 11:30 AM Central time.