The Key is to Stay Hydrated…Even in the Winter!

Dec 14, 2023 | Self-Care

Hydration isn’t just about drinking water…

In fact, water has multiple benefits, including boosting energy, skin support, digestion, and nutrient absorption. 💦

👉🏼 Know your water base number – Your weight in pounds divided by 2 = the minimum ounces of water daily to aim for.

(And moderate caffeine consumption counts as water intake. ☕️)
How to stay hydrated during holiday celebrations? Try these hydration hacks for smart sipping:

💧 Hydration Hack 1: Mix It Up!

Infuse your H2O with slices of cucumber, mint, or citrus for a refreshing change your taste buds will thank you for.

🕰️ Hydration Hack 2: Time It Right

Timing matters. Start your day with a glass of water, sip throughout, and finish strong. Your body will thank you for the consistency.

🔔Hydration Hack 3: Hydration Accountability

Set reminders or use apps to stay accountable. Sometimes, a gentle nudge is all we need to reach our daily hydration goals.

💪 Hydration Hack 4:Nine sips

Want to savor an alcoholic drink or an indulgent beverage? Relish 9 sips throughout the evening for savvy indulgence.

🧬Hydration Hack 5: Know Your Body

Personalize your hydration plan based on your unique needs. Factors like activity level, climate, and, yes, even your DNA play a role in your hydration requirements.

CLICK HERE to schedule a one-on-one call. We’ll dive into your hydration habits, discuss personalized strategies, and set you on a course for a hydrated, energized, and revitalized you! Are you ready? 😉