Too much ‘white-noise’ in your background?

Aug 1, 2019 | Inflammation

Do you ever feel like there’s too much ‘white noise’ in the background? It could be inflammation.

Although inflammation may stem from different pathways and lifestyle choices, most of us have levels in our bodies. From bloating, reflux, brain fog, cravings, fatigue, food and medicine sensitivities, restless legs, aches and pains and difficulty losing weight to sleep and mood disturbances, inflammation rears its head in many different forms.

This month was a game changer for me. I, too, suffered from the effects of inflammation for as long as I can remember. I simply thought they were part of aging and I was managing them pretty well with diet and some added vitamins, minerals & probiotics.

I had known about a fairly recent type of inflammatory marker test, called the MRT or mediator release test. I was interested in adding this testing to my practice so that I could deepen the level of helping others with their sufferings from consequences of inflammation.

Little did I know that when I took the test myself my entire family history would come together. It turns out that an inability to metabolize certain food components is my pathway for inflammation that affects my entire system. How do you like that? The Dietitian had to revamp her own diet. Now that I’ve learned specifics to me, all my symptoms resolved!

I’m learning as I go, much like you do when you’re trying something new or wanting to start a new health resolution for yourself. How do you LIVE these choices you want to start making on a day-to-day basis?

Here are some key strategies that have changed the way I go about my daily life. See what fits for you!

Practice #1 – Commit to your goals much like brushing your teeth in the morning. You don’t think about it as you go out and about your day, it just becomes a habit.

Practice #2 – Speak up! You can be mindful of a host, a friend, a colleague or the chef at a restaurant while you express what you need to avoid feeling worse later that evening or the next day.

Practice #3 – Ditch the processed foods! If they’re too much a part of your diet, start with one meal a day that is preservative-free (be sure to check labels on salad dressings and sauces) and includes plants and foods in their whole form. 

Practice #4 – Cut back on caffeine! If you’re boasting that you can down a pot of coffee in the evening before bed with no effect then you’re probably suffering from some adrenal fatigue. Our bodies are supposed to respond to caffeine by feeling a little bit more alert or too jittery if in excess. Too much caffeine can zap our energy levels throughout the day, contribute to cravings and interfere with sleep.

Practice #5 – Be honest and compassionate with yourself that you’ll have to take responsibility while learning what works for you. Change is a process. Small steps DO count toward your own bigger health plan!

In good health!

Alisa Bloom Signature
White noise